08 April 2019


Can you describe your dream home?
My day-job is in interior design, so I could go on for hours about the little details and brands I’d like to use. But to keep it short: white walls, lots of floor-to-ceiling windows for a maximum of light. Light brown floorboards. A big open kitchen with lots of storage space. Modern-looking bathrooms. A laundry room with enough space to hang clothes. Enough room that I could turn one into a gym. Oh, and a swimming pool.

If we were to come to your house for a meal, what would you give us to eat?
If you show up unannounced, probably not much. But if I know you’re coming, you’re in for a treat. I don’t really spend the time when it’s just me, but when I have guest I go all in! So yeah, you’d be getting a completely home-made three course meal. Including an amazing desert (my specialty).

Tell us about the absolute BEST fan letter you have received.
The sweetest was from a man in Australia. He told me his sister liked my books and he wondered how he could buy a signed copy to gift to her for her birthday. I mailed him one, all the way away from Switzerland, and he wrote back a few weeks later to tell me the parcel got there just in time.

Say your publisher has offered to fly you anywhere in the world to do research on an upcoming book, where would you most likely want to go?
I love studying mythologies; it’s a hobby of mine and I read a lot about the subject. So I’d probably bundle up Greece and Egypt, and go see things for myself. I’d visit museums and historical sites like the Parthenon and the Pyramids.

Who designed the book cover for the book you are touring?
Miguel Ereza, a Spanish artist. I found him on 99Designs.com when I was looking for a cover for the first book in the Vale Investigation series. I fell in love with his style, so I went back to him for the cover of the second book. Here’s his page: https://99designs.com/profiles/2792967

Originally posted @ Author Jacey Holbrand