2018 Coming-of-Age Giveaway [FREE BOOKS]

Hey friends, I’m psyched to have been selected to be a part of this wonderful giveaway. Follow the link to download up to 12 free stories about kids growing up across a variety of genres, including my very own short story Personal Favour. And don’t hesitate to...

Happy New Year

Happy 2017 everyone! I hope you all stepped safely into this New Year. May it bring you a lot of joy and many happy moments. My holiday is almost over, but oh I wish it would go on a little bit longer. I’d planned to get so much more work done, but alas… Being stuck...

3 Tips on Writing Effective Outlines

As a writer, I understand how hard getting started can be. I mentioned in a previous post how planning can save you time. Guess what is part of that process? Outlining! Outlining not only gives you a bird’s eye view of your novel, but provides a solid foundation....

Where things are at, and what’s to come.

Good morning everyone, This blog post is going to be a bit different from what I’ve done before. I’ve mostly posted technical pieces about the craft, but very little personal notes. Please bear with me as a learn how-to 🙂 . Also, please let me know if you’d be...

Of characters… (part 2)

I told you why I write, and what I enjoy writing about the most. But I failed to answer one big question which is frequently asked of me, ‘Why them?’. That was intentional; there’s an answer to that question, but it’s a complex one and it deserves a post of its own....