Happy 2017 everyone!
I hope you all stepped safely into this New Year. May it bring you a lot of joy and many happy moments.
My holiday is almost over, but oh I wish it would go on a little bit longer. I’d planned to get so much more work done, but alas… Being stuck in bed with a stupid cold for over a week, that so wasn’t what I’d hoped to achieve with my free time. On the plus side, I’ve finished the outlines to my next story (before the microbes’ assault), and one chapter. Guess I’ll have to settle with evenings and weekends to get the rest done.
But that’s life, isn’t it.

How’s the book coming?
Hi Chris,
Great to hear from you.
It’s going well, thanks. I’m done with the first 5 chapters. Hopefully the first draft will be finished by this summer 🙂
Hope you and your family are doing well.
All my best,