I know my last book was published in July 2022, and I haven’t shared many updates since. If you’re on the newsletter, you already have an idea of what I’ve been up to. But for everyone else, I wanted to take a moment to reassure you—I’m still here, and I’m still writing.
As you may have seen on the upcoming page, I’m working on a new fantasy series. I had hoped to release it this year, but unfortunately, it will have to be postponed.

For one, it’s a huge project—a three-part epic fantasy that’s taking far longer to write than I anticipated. There’s an immense amount of worldbuilding, battle strategies to map out, and well… actual maps to draw! From the start, I knew this would be my most ambitious undertaking yet, and I made the decision not to publish anything until all three books were complete—giving me the freedom to go back and make small edits if needed.
I began working on this series while wrapping up the Vale Investigation books, and so far, two out of the three novels are finished. The third, however, has been stuck in outline form since mid-2023.
That year brought some major life changes. In the autumn, I had to leave the company I’d worked at for over twenty years. Relocating to a new city and adjusting to an entirely different environment took its toll, and it also reduced the amount of time I had for writing. On top of that, I’ve been battling health issues over the past year, leaving me drained of energy and struggling to focus on creative work.
Things are slowly settling into a more stable rhythm, and as 2025 unfolds, I feel the time is right to dive back in. And who knows—if the muse is willing, there might just be something new for you to sink your teeth into in 2026.
Much love,