Where things are at, and what’s to come.

Good morning everyone, This blog post is going to be a bit different from what I’ve done before. I’ve mostly posted technical pieces about the craft, but very little personal notes. Please bear with me as a learn how-to 🙂 . Also, please let me know if you’d be...

Reviews for Danse Macabre are up

Happy 2015 everyone!!! I’m almost done with the second leg of the promo tour for Danse Macabre, and I couldn’t be happier. The outpour of love the book received is magical. Thank you so much! As usual, I’ve compiled all the reviews I got via the tour...

Of characters… (part 2)

I told you why I write, and what I enjoy writing about the most. But I failed to answer one big question which is frequently asked of me, ‘Why them?’. That was intentional; there’s an answer to that question, but it’s a complex one and it deserves a post of its own....