by Cristelle | Dec 19, 2013 | Interviews, Ruby Heart |
Promotion for my newest novel, Ruby Heart, is in full bloom this month. Lots of things to do — and the terrible cold plaguing me this past two weeks is not helping — but you can already find several new reviews here. Also, 5 interviews: @ Andi’s Book...
by Cristelle | Nov 17, 2013 | Blog Articles |
Pace it off (or why pacing is important in storytelling) When you are writing, one of the most important factors to note is pace. That is the balance between action-packed sequences and more slow-moving explorative sequences. There’s no perfect recipe — it...
by Cristelle | Oct 22, 2013 | Blog Articles |
Any fiction best seller list will almost certainly contain at least a few crime fiction novels. With a huge number of fans both young and old it is a seriously popular genre. With such a long-lasting and universal appeal, what has made crime fiction so popular? While...
by Cristelle | Oct 11, 2013 | Book Releases, Ruby Heart |
That’s it folks, Ruby Heart, book two of the ‘Neve & Egan cases’ is available both as a paperback and as an eBook. Buy it, gift a copy to your friends and family, leave a copy on the train/bus for a stranger to find, but mostly, please, help...
by Cristelle | Oct 4, 2013 | Book Releases, Ruby Heart |
Yes, you’ve read right… Ruby Heart, the second book, in the Neve & Egan series is finished. It will be available very soon in paperback and eBook. I will go on a virtual book tour to promote it in December. To keep you waiting, you can have a look at the...